Posts Tagged ‘congress’

Could it be things are really as bad?

29 May

I have been silent for some time now.  In truth, it is because I am amazed.  I am amazed and dazed because the American people are just sitting back while the socialist imposter Obama and his cronies continue their assault on our liberties.  The Republicrats of congress only give a small whimper and cower to face and stand up to professor Obama.

I watch generations continuing to be dumbed down and made to believe pop culture is everything.  People tend to know better how operate their TVs than how the government is stealing their liberty.  Daily, I preach “WAKE UP AMERICA,” but no one listens.  Sure, there are a select few, but they are a “few.’  I won’t rant on any longer, but I hope that you will take the time to read an article.  It is sad the U.S. media refuses to actually tell the truth about what is happening to this country.  However, other country’s media outlets are telling the truth.

Read this:

Could it be things are really as bad as the article says?