I was tasked at work to come up with a way to import new Active Directory accounts and Exchange 2007 email boxes. I decided to use the Exchange 2007 Management Console which uses lots of powershell.
Here is what I came up with:
This command is used to import users from a CSV file into Exchange 2007 creating email boxes and user accounts. User accounts are set to change password upon first log in.
Created 20090630, By Mario Leal
- Command must be copied and pasted into the Exchange Management Console.
- You must edit “C:\CSV\users.csv” to be the the location of your CSV file.
- The CSV file must not have an empty line at the end of the file.
- Duplicates will error, you must watch screen to catch them.
- Empty middle initial in CSV needs one ” to represent blank.
- Output file (output.txt) will give a list of successful imports.
Schema (first Line) used for CSV file with an example (second line):
maleal,”Mario Leal”,email@address.whatever,somepassword,Mario,Leal,A
Reference URLs:
Import-CSV c:\CSV\users.csv | foreach {
$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $_.password -AsPlainText –Force
new-mailbox -alias $_.alias -name $_.name -userPrincipalName $_.UPN -FirstName $_.givenName -LastName $_.surname -Initials $_.middleI -database “Students” -org TEST -Password $securestring -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true
} | out-file -filepath “c:\CSV\Output.txt”